Capturing application logging in MsTest

In a lot of projects I have been on I’ve seen the following approaches when it comes to application logging in test: The most popular option: It is completely ignored, either by pumping it into a mock or a NullLogger It is tested by verifying that the correct log messages are written. This is usually done to satisfy a ‘strict’ mocking framework. Neither of these options are ideal in my opinion. …

SQL Server integration testing using xUnit

Recently I wanted to verify that my data access layer could properly read and write to a SQL Server database, and I wanted to have these tests automated. I wanted to answer these questions: Can my DbContext roundtrip entities to the database and back? Does the schema in my migration scripts match the expected schema in my code? (follows from 1) Can my migration scripts be applied to the database correctly? …

Reducing GuidCombGenerator allocations

Recently at work, I had to implement some functionality that required the use of Guid identifiers that were stored in SQL Server. The Guids were generated in the application and used as an alternative key / external identifier for other systems. To avoid excessive index fragmentation, we opted to use the GuidComb variant using a generator from the NHibernate project. The GuidCombGenerator generates Guid values that have a timestamp embedded into the last 6 bytes. …

Introducing FdbServer

As a side project, I’ve been working on my implementation of a FoundationDB client for .NET. I want to have tests to verify things are working properly, and for local development that isn’t such a problem since I usually have a FoundationDB server installed. However, when I want to run these tests on a build server I do not want to enforce installing FoundationDB in the build environment, things should just work. …